Subscription FAQs

  • How does the server know I'm a member?

    Members will be actively tracked in our database. Please let your server know that you are a member and we can search your account information.

    Another way you let your server know you are a member is to log into your account on Two Docs website and click “Memberships”. It’ll show all active memberships within your account, and we can serve you faster.

  • When does my subsciption expire?

    To find out when your subscription expires, please log in to the Two Docs Customer Portal. Once logged in, you will see details about your current subscription as well as the month that your subscription expires.

    If you do not see your active subscription when logging in, please email us at In your email, please provide your full name, mailing address, and the email you used to purchase your subscription.

  • How do I manage my subscripton?

    Once you have created your account, your subscription portal allows you to change your mailing address, see your active subscriptions, and edit your account preferences. Please allow 3 to 5 business days to see changes applied to your account.

  • What if I decide I don't want to renew my subscription?

    Our subscription periods are purchased on a recurring monthly or yearly basis based on whichever plan you originally selected. If you decide you are not pleased with your member benefits, you can manage your subscription in your customer account.

    If you decide to cancel your membership, your benefits will be active until the last day of your subscription. If you have any questions, please contact us a with your full name, and the email you used to purchase your subscription.

  • Is the Loyalty Page accessible to non-members?

    No. The Loyalty Page is accessible to active members only. Any information that is posted in this area can only be viewed by members and will lockout any non-members until they subscribe to the program.

  • Do I have to start a tab for my free beer?

    As part of your benefits, you get a free beer every time you visit. The only way to get a free beer is if you start a tab, or purchasing beer-to-go.

    If you are starting a tab, your beer will be “comped” immediately after starting your tab. If you are purchasing beer-to-go, you can enjoy your free beer while waiting for your items to be fulfilled.